In spite of the fact that knuckle cracking creates a sound, medical experts have shown that it is likely harmless. Osteoarthritis, a condition caused by…
Choose The Right Chair You should make sure that your workplace ergonomics are correct by taking a look at the depth of your chair. The…
Myth #2: Massage is only for certain body parts. Some people think that massage is only for certain body parts, like the back or the…
Fight or Flight When we are stressed, our body releases the hormone, cortisol. With our body in a high-stress state, cortisol stimulates glucose to be…
Water speeds up your metabolism and can help you burn fat more efficiently and quickly Water is a natural appetite suppressant – really! Next time…
However, the best way to lose weight combines movement and activity with a healthy weight loss diet. Our weight loss programs are designed around you,…
These spots are easy to identify because they hurt when you press on them. Trigger point therapy can work to relieve chronic pain in some…
2. Cutting Out Certain Food Groups Carbohydrates are a common food group for people to cut out in an attempt to shed some pounds, but…
The exact causes of morbid obesity are not understood, but there are likely many factors involved. In obese people, the set point of stored energy…
The practice itself involves the placement of very thin needles into the skin at various points throughout the body. The goal is to stimulate specific…