Automobile crashes happen all the time due to the negligence of motorists and other road users. When that happens, victims are left with bodily injuries to heal and nurse. These injuries come in the form of misaligned spinal discs, abrasions, whiplashes, as well as inflammations. While most people turn to commercial medications and surgical procedures in curing automobile-related injuries, some people have now discovered a non-invasive safer alternative. This alternative is chiropractic care. This article…
Acupuncture is a form of alternative treatment solution, which has gained traction, in recent years. It is deemed an ideal therapeutic solution for varying medical concerns. Even though it has been subjected to many boring debates pertaining to its efficacy, research across the board has suggested and depicted that it is quite effective in remedying various conditions. It has therefore aptly demonstrated immense potential after several studies. This article shall highlight and discuss different types…
From credible clinical researches, it is estimated that 35% of the American adult population (22 million) people visit their doctors with pain complains every year. While most of these pains are because of common issues like overworking, wrong posture while sitting or sleeping, some of these signal serious structural problems. In addition to pain relief pills, people are now exploring safer and risk-free treatment. At the center of these alternative options, is chiropractic care and…
Dating its heritage to traditional Chinese practices in medicine, acupuncture refers to a medical practice that involves inserting needles in pressure points or energy pathways throughout the body. The practice leans on the belief that energy follows certain pathways throughout the human body. The practice implies that driving very small needles along those pathways or pressure points triggers different functions related to the Central Nervous system. This goes on to explain the effectiveness of acupuncture…
Carpal tunnel syndrome refers to a condition that has become quite common in recent times. It entails different signs and symptoms such as tingling and numbness in the wrist and hand. This is normally caused by increased pressure on the median nerve as this compression could cause damage to this nerve, which travels along the carpal tunnel in your wrist. Nerves are quite susceptible to damage hence any compression as mentioned above causes a pin…
Shedding some extra pounds is not only tough but can be quite overwhelming. It is therefore understandable why you may want to see results fast. To achieve faster weight loss, you must strike a balance between a balanced diet, healthy eating, mindful eating, hydration, exercises and stress management. This article gives information regarding some of the fast diets to explore in your endeavor to shed some pounds. Portion Control Portion control entails reducing the size…
Back pain can render people immobile or nearly disabled. This is especially true when the pain accelerates from normal pain to chronic levels. Some study findings reveal that the majority of the American adult population struggles with back pain at some point in their lifetimes. When not addressed early, back pain can leave you disabled. From pharmacological options, lifestyle changes, surgical procedures, injections, nutritional adjustments, and physical therapy and exercises, the list of treatment options…
Chiropractic adjustments are an alternative form of treatment done to compliment the traditional mainstream medical care that many are accustomed. A licensed chiropractor does it to remedy misalignment in the spine or restrictions in distinct joints in the body. It is a practice otherwise known as chiropractic or spinal manipulation. These adjustments entail the application of force to the affected area using hands. Advanced chiropractors apply such pressure with the use of specialized equipment to…
Due to wrong posture, spinal and neck injuries, plus stress from daily life, a good number of people struggle with incessant headaches. Research findings indicate that at least 45million of the American population suffers from headaches, and that the figures keep rising every year that passes. While most people seek pharmacological solutions to their symptoms, a good number of headache patients have now shifted their attention to natural ways of treatment. At the center stage…
Sciatica is a condition of debilitating pain that occurs because of spinal discs or vertebrae exerting pressure on the sciatic nerve. Due to injuries from accidents and wrong posture, vertebrae along the spine may fall out of alignment with each, thereby exerting pressure on the underlying sciatic nerve. The result is some very severe pain around the lower back, buttocks and back of the thigh. The pain is usually so severe that normal mobility functions…