Have you heard about muscle therapy yet? If not, maybe now is the time to give it some serious consideration. There are few wellness practices that offer such a comprehensive list of healing benefits – which is exactly why muscle therapy is becoming more and more popular.
What is the general aim of muscle therapy? Think of it this way: When you have chronic knots in your muscle tissue (these knots are also known as chronic adhesions), the body struggles to function fully. You feel out of balance, and many different physical ailments can be generated or worsened. Muscle therapy aims to smooth and remove these chronic knots, thereby restoring natural balance to the body as a whole.
Our understanding will deepen as we discuss three great benefits of this muscle therapy:
1. It treats the whole body
Many other types of treatment for sore muscles are very specific, utilizing only one or two techniques to (hopefully) bring about a good result. The standard 60 minute massage at your local spa is a great example. It might feel good, but does it really treat the whole body? Muscle therapy does. By making use of an array of therapeutic tools – including deep tissue massage, dry needling, myotherapy, trigger point therapy and myofascial release – muscle therapy works on a truly holistic level.
2. It detoxifies your lymphatic system
Chronic pain, stiffness and soreness are often treated solely at the site of the pain. This makes a degree of sense, but not when you get deeper into the total health of the body. Toxins in your lymphatic and circulatory systems can cause or exacerbate various health problems, including musculoskeletal conditions. Using its full array of massage, stretching and exercise techniques, muscle therapy works to balance and stretch your entire body as a whole – resulting in an effective detoxification of both your lymphatic and your circulatory systems.
3. It doesn’t have harmful side effects
This is a huge advantage, and it can’t be overstated. Too often, people rely on pharmaceutical drugs and/or surgery to address their musculoskeletal problems. The reality is that in many cases, with the right skill and expertise, these health problems (even in cases of chronic pain) can be drastically diminished or completely eliminated using natural techniques that allow the body to heal itself. Muscle therapy is a natural, holistic, and non-invasive alternative to so many of the more costly (physically and financially) methods that are widely today.
Where to look for muscle therapy services
Because muscle therapy incorporates several specialized forms of treatment, it’s vital to find a professional who is highly trained and experienced in all of them. The best results will come through working with a reputable and qualified practitioner with years of education and experience in the field, and with all of the necessary certifications and licenses needed to operate in your area. This seems obvious, but it’s easy to forget such details when you’re looking for solutions to chronic pain. The good news is that fully qualified muscle therapy specialists are out there – and they can make difference!