Arthritis is a degenerative disease that affects the health of bones.
It occurs because of the breakdown of cartilage, which is the protective tissue at the ends of bones.
Arthritis is a disease that affects the majority of the aged people, usually above 65 years of age.
The increased prevalence in seniors can be explained by the increased sedentary and nutrient-deficiency, as their bodies tend to reduce their intake ability.
Taking commercial medications as a cure for arthritis serves as a relief for the debilitating pain that the patients often experience, but it does not address the root cause.
Thanks to physical therapy, arthritis patients now have an all-in-one solution to their joint problems. This article gives information on how your PT can help with arthritis.

Physical therapy for your health!
Pain Relief
As initially noted, arthritis occurs because of the breakdown of the cartilage which serves as the protective tissue at the end of bones. What follows this is an unimaginable inflammation of joints, which comes with debilitating pains. The pain is so immense that it hampers motion range and balance. As if that is not enough, it goes on to alter your posture as you try to find a painless comfortable standing or sitting position. Through massage, manipulation, heat and cold therapies, inflammation goes away and the patient experiences pain relief.
Posture Correction
The debilitating pain often felt by arthritis patients does not only alter balance and impede mobility; it also alters the way people sit and stand. The alteration is because the patient trying to find a more comfortable position that does not cause so much pain. At the same time, wrong posture, even without the same symptoms, can also cause the breakdown of bone cartilage. PTs, when addressing arthritis problems will first aim to correct the posture to prevent further damage and exerting pressure on the affected joints. What follows is unparalleled pain relief and eventual healing.
Holistic Approach
Recovery from arthritis does not only rely on physical manipulation. It encompasses various aspects that include a healthy lifestyle such as stress management and nutritional adjustments. Stress levels raise cortisol levels and this has the effect of hampering joint health and recovery from injuries. Since some PTs are trained psychological counselors, they help their patients in stress management. Some are also trained nutritionists to help recommend dietary adjustments that aid in muscle and joint health that supports enhanced recovery.
Increased Mobility
Due to the intense pains from inflamed joints, one of the aspects that is impeded by arthritis is mobility. This explains the reason you will see so many elderly people walking with assistive devices such as crutches and wheelchairs. Since their primary responsibility is stretching and manipulating the affected joints, PTs help in increasing mobility. When such joints and muscles are stretched from time to time, inflammation eases, while the damaged cartilage is repaired and that is when we can say the patient is healed of arthritis completely.
Assistive Devices
In most instances, arthritis patients visit PTs with severe pains since their symptoms have not started, let alone being addressed. Even after the first session, it is obvious the patients will need assistance to move and continue with their daily lives. The only way to do that is through assistive devices. Wheelchairs, braces, canes, and crutches are some of the devices a PT will recommend to arthritis patients. Besides recommending the devices, the PTs will also train their patients in using them.
Customized Exercise Plans
Arthritis disease, since it mostly affects the elderly, has to be approached with lots of caution. Even in younger individuals, a deeper understanding of individual health needs has to be done. The evaluation is critical in formulating personalized exercise plans tailored to different arthritis patients.
Most importantly, PTs will in addition to treating arthritis, educate their patients on everything pertaining to the disease. This entails causes, effects, symptoms, treatment and preventative measures. With this kind of awareness, the patients can respond to treatment more effectively through faithful adherence to medication and exercises. They will even start leading a healthier lifestyle, coupled with the safe use of muscles and joints to prevent the recurrence of the disease.
From awareness, improved mobility, assistive devices, pain relief, holistic approach, and customized exercise plans, PTs can help with arthritis in ways you have not imagined. However, for these benefits to come, the PT has to be vetted fully to ascertain their experience and license of operation. This is the only way to ensure the best possible results.