Chiropractic care entails the use of physical adjustment techniques to address various health issues that involve the musculoskeletal system.
It is a holistic practice since it aims to address the genesis of various health issues like lower back, shoulder, hip, knees, head and joint pains.
The majority of people who have not explored this medical solution is because they do not understand its benefits fully.
This article looks at the most common issues that chiropractic care can help address.
Arthritis and Joint Pain
Arthritis is among the common conditions that affect a good number of adults, especially the elderly.

Chiropractic Care can help with many concerns
It comes about when the cartilage at the bone ends breaks down, creating immense friction. Arthritis commonly affects joints since this is where these cartilages are found. It is therefore common to find people suffering from arthritis complaining of joint pains around wrists, hips, shoulders, knees, ankles and elbows. Joint pains do not necessarily emanate from arthritis; they can also arise from the overuse, disuse or wrong use of various joints during various physical activities like lifting heavy items and workouts.
Chiropractors apply different forms of adjustments and therapies that range from hot and cold press, and dietary changes to restore relief from arthritis and joint-related pains. In the case of immense pain, they can also recommend other forms of treatments that may sometimes include pain relievers.
This refers to the type of pain that emanates from the sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve is a type of nerve that extends from the back, goes into the hips and buttocks and finally to both legs. Due to different issues, spinal discs may exert the sciatic nerves hence a condition referred to as sciatica. The pain is so intense that it sometimes renders people immobile. The adjustments relied upon by the chiropractor aim to lift the pressure on the nerves from the overlying spinal discs, and this is what brings relief from the symptoms.
Neck Pain
Another common condition that chiropractors often help with is neck pain. It emanates from stiff or injured neck, shoulder, and upper body muscles. Through pulling, adjusting, kneading, and twisting of upper body and neck muscles, chiropractors release tension and stiffness, thereby alleviating neck pains.
Back Pain
Back pains are the main condition for which most people explore chiropractic care. This is because it is the main condition amongst a good number of adults of all ages. While back pains can arise from trauma related to accidents such as car crashes and falls, the majority of these come from spinal misalignments. Spinal misalignments make the discs to press on the nerves underneath them, thereby creating pains in the area.
To address this, chiropractors may stretch or twist the lower region to restore proper spinal arrangements thereby bringing relief from such pains. In addition, during the process, stiffness and tension of muscles in the region is addressed, thereby providing patients with relief from related pains.
While it is almost normal to experience isolated headaches occasionally, chronic and severe headaches, or as they are known, migraines are a sign of a serious underlying problem. Spinal misalignments make the discs compress the nerves below them, thereby creating pains that could be felt even in the head. Muscle tension in the upper body, shoulders, and neck can also cause headaches and migraines.
To address these, chiropractors reverse the misalignments through various manipulation and massage techniques on the stiff muscles in the upper body. Restoration of the correct alignment releases pressure on the spinal nerves something that brings with it relief from headaches. Various massage techniques applied on stiff muscles in the upper boy and neck region provide relief from headaches and migraines.
Chiropractors mix adjustments and other therapies to address various health conditions. Therapies such as heat and cold, coupled with holistic approaches including nutritional adjustments and restored posture are among the techniques used by chiropractors during their work.
To provide you with the best experience and provide effective recovery, chiropractors often involve other health professionals such as primary doctors. For instance, they may recommend their patients for radiology such as x-rays to assess the extent of injury.
During or after treatment, the chiropractor will often involve primary physicians in recommending supplementary medication and treatment regimens for different patients, based on their unique needs. To ensure the best possible results, it is important that you entrust the right professionals to take care of you. This is the only way to ensure positive results.